Minimally Invasive Gastrointestinal Surgery Perspective
- Complications After Colectomy: Does Procedure Type Matter?
- Single vs Multiport Lap Colectomy: Only Benefit Cosmetic?
- The Year's Top 10 Gastroenterology Articles
- Robotic Surgery: Is It Worth the Additional Expenses?
- Laparoscopic Lavage vs Resection for Perforated Diverticulitis
- Which Technique Is Best for Gallstones/Biliary Duct Calculi?
- Colorectal Endometriosis: Medical or Surgical Therapy?
- Visceral Adhesion Burden Sill High With Lap Colorectal Surgery
- Survival of the Slimiest: The Persistent Nature of Biofilms
- Cholecystectomy: Before or After Gastric Bypass?
- A Closer Look at Robotic Surgery Cost, Use, and Trends
- The Year in Gastroenterology: 10 Must-Read Studies
- How Safe Is Laparoscopic Surgery for Adhesive SBO?
- Cholecystostomy: An Alternative to Surgery for Cholecystitis?
- It's All Here: Your Guide to Highlights of DDW 2017
- How to Approach Purulent Perforated Diverticulitis?
- POEM for the Treatment of Achalasia
- Managing Obesity in Primary Care: When It's Time for Gastric Bypass
- Malpractice in the Management of Small Bowel Obstruction
- More Data on Chewing Gum After Bowel Surgery