Exercise and Sports Medicine Perspective
- It's Time to Shame the Fat Shamers
- LIVE-Yoga: Benefit of Yoga as Adjunctive Therapy to Reduce Recurrent Vasovagal Syncope
- Trans Women in Female Sports: A Sports Scientist's Take
- Cancer Groundshot: From Blog Post to ASCO Session
- Type 2 Diabetes With ASCVD
- Battling Obesity by Breaking Down Barriers
- Alzheimer's Disease: Hope on the Horizon: Antibody Therapies: Hopes and Doubts
- A Surprising Cause of Abdominal Pain and Other GI Symptoms
- Has the Benzodiazepine Backlash Gone Too Far?
- Is Saturated Fat or Carbohydrates Worse for the Liver?
- ACC 2022 Sodium Restriction in Heart Failure: Another Dogma Felled
- On the Receiving End of Care
- Episode 2: How to Quickly Spot and Manage Psoriasis Comorbidities
- The More You Know Your Patient, the Better Care You Can Give
- Give Patients Can'ts but Also Can Do's
- Apr 1 2022 This Week in Cardiology
- Match Day: Financial Considerations for Your Career Transition
- Chronic Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction
- HFpEF: New Treatments Provide 'Hope'
- April Fools: Our Brains Are the True Tricksters