Barrett's Esophagus News
- DDW 2022 Alarming Increase in Esophageal Cancer in Middle-Aged Adults
- Noninvasive Esophageal Cancer Screening May Reach More Patients
- POEM Use for Achalasia Growing, Reimbursement Urged
- New Barrett's Esophagus Guideline Reduces Reliance on Endoscopy
- GERD: Practice Update Outlines Personalized Management Approach
- Deprescribing PPIs: AGA Clinical Practice Update Offers Guidance
- Model Predicts Recurrence After Eradication of Early Barrett's Neoplasia
- Esophageal Cancer: RFA Has Long-Lasting Protective Effects
- Cytosponge for Detecting Barrett's and Esophageal Cancer
- GICS 2022 Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Valuable for Cancer Diagnosis
- Many US Patients With Esophageal Cancers Do Not Undergo Screening
- Upper Endoscopy May Reduce GI Cancer Mortality
- Surveillance After ESD for Dysplasia and Early-Stage GI Cancer
- GERD Guideline Addresses Increased Scrutiny of PPI Therapy
- WATS-3D Increases Dysplasia Detection in Barrett Esophagus
- Rise in Esophageal Cancer in Young Adults. Is Lifestyle to Blame?
- Climate Change Demands 'Green' Endoscopy
- Gastric Cardia Culprit in Barrett's Esophagus, Transformative Mechanism Identified
- When to Stop Surveillance for Nondysplastic Barrett's Esophagus?
- DDW 2021 Prebiotic in Development Shows Promise for Reducing GERD Symptoms