American Thyroid Association

  • Graves Disease, Thyroid Eye Disease, and COVID-19 Is there a link between COVID-19 cases or vaccinations and the increased reports of thyroid autoimmunity and its complications? Drs McLeod and Balcerek attempt to answer this question.
  • Celebrity Factor: Raising Awareness for Thyroid Cancer South Korean actress Park So-dam announced publicly her thyroid cancer diagnosis, Dr Stephanie Smooke Praw discusses whether this draws attention to the need for screening.
  • A Thyroid Antibody Primer in Five Quick Cases What do thyroid antibodies tell us? These five clinical scenarios will teach you what you need to know.
  • Pregnant With Thyroid Disease? 5 Treatment Changes to Know About How should treatment change for patients with thyroid disease who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant?
  • A New Frontier in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Treatment What is the best course of treatment for small, low-risk papillary thyroid cancer? New developments have created opportunities to deliver care in a more individualized manner.
  • 'Thyroid Diet': What's the Evidence? Can certain dietary changes benefit or harm thyroid health? What foods should be avoided, and which supplements consumed? Here are the answers to your patients' questions.
  • Assessing Thyroid Nodules: A Clinician's Guide Ultrasound of the thyroid and surrounding neck structures is the most important tool for differentiating benign from suspicious nodules.
  • Is Thyroid Disease Worsened by COVID? Little is known about the relationship between thyroiditis and COVID-19. How should clinicians answer patient questions about the potential risks and complications?
  • 'I Don't Want to Die': Surprising Fears About Thyroid Surgery An endocrinologist and endocrine surgeon discuss some surprising concerns and anxieties that patients may have before thyroid surgery.
  • Subclinical Hypothyroidism Balancing Act: Knowing When to Treat Dr Tyler Drake presents three cases and discusses the factors to consider when deciding whether or not to treat subclinical hypothyroidism.
  • Surgery for Persistent Symptoms in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? A recent study compared thyroidectomy with medical management for persistent symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. But is surgery really the answer?
  • Levothyroxine Dosing: Morning, Night, or In Between? Clinicians have traditionally told patients to take levothyroxine first thing in the morning, at least an hour before any food or drink. But does it really matter? Dr Leung looks at the evidence.
  • Thyroid Cancer in 2019: Questions That Remain Unanswered What used to be a relatively rare malignancy, thyroid cancer diagnoses are now rising quickly. Dr Leung discusses what we currently know and some of the top questions that remain unanswered.
  • The Love-Hate Relationship With Levothyroxine Levothyroxine, despite being the most prescribed drug in the United States, has many patients disenchanted and looking to T3 for symptom relief. How should clinicians approach the T4/T3 controversy?
  • The Thyroid Diet: Is There Such a Thing? From gluten to soy to iodine to selenium, patients are asking about 'thyroid diets.' What is the evidence on nutrition and thyroid health?