Residents Slideshows

  • Experts Weigh In: The Residency Experience Residency is one of the most challenging times in a physician's career but also one of the most pivotal. Expert physicians and current residents share their experiences and their advice.
  • Residents Salary & Debt Report 2014 Medical residents reported their salary and amount of debt, and described other key aspects of their resident training.
  • Why We Practice Medicine Experts share some of the best moments in their medical careers.
  • 2012 Radiology Game Changers Declining reimbursements and incomes ripple throughout the specialty, even affecting prospects for residents.
  • American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 62nd Annual Meeting: Top Research Highlights This slideshow presents highlights of the American Academy of Neurology 62nd Annual Meeting, where more than 10,000 neurologists and other healthcare professionals gathered in Toronto.