Neurology Cases & Quizzes


  • Rapid Review Quiz: Alcohol Use and Abuse Avoiding carcinogens is a key step in cancer prevention. Review the latest research into physical, chemical, and biological carcinogens, including newly recognized substances, with this short quiz.
  • Rapid Rx Quiz: Muscle Relaxants Do you know key clinical information regarding muscle relaxants, including indications, adverse events, and contraindications? Take this this brief quiz.
  • Fast Five Quiz: Type 2 Diabetes and Dyslipidemia How familiar are you with type 2 diabetes? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.
  • Rapid Rx Quiz: Diabetes Drugs Given how critical medication is for patients with diabetes, do you know key clinical information about the most commonly used drugs? Test yourself with this short quiz.
  • Did I Miss a Better Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment? After Medscape readers offered their opinions on his management of a patient with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, Dr Charles Vega took a closer look at two unique alternatives.
  • Skill Checkup: Woman With Dyspnea and Droopy Right Eye A 57-year-old woman presents with dyspnea, droopy right eye, and mild crackles at both lower lung fields. How would you manage this patient?
  • Fast Five Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Given its rapidly increasing incidence, do you know what to watch out for and best practices for Alzheimer's disease management? Make sure you're prepared with this short quiz.
  • Facial Spasms in a Man Recently Released From the Hospital After a recent hospitalization for a hemicranial headache, a man presents with right hemifacial spasms and diplopia with binocular vision. Do you know what's wrong?
  • Fast Five Quiz: Drug-Induced Mental Illness Can you identify drug-induced mental illness and do you know best practices for patient care? Refresh and test your knowledge with this short quiz.
  • Patient Simulation: A 45-Year-Old Woman With Schizophrenia and Involuntary Facial Movements A 45-year-old accounting assistant with schizophrenia is concerned about her worsening facial tics. What steps would you take to address her problem?
  • Fast Five Quiz: Type 2 Diabetes and Cerebrovascular Disease How familiar are you with type 2 diabetes? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.
  • Fast Five Quiz: Tardive Dyskinesia Clinicians need a clear understanding of causative agents associated with tardive dyskinesia and optimal treatment strategies. How much do you know about TD? Check your knowledge with our short quiz.
  • A 12-Year-Old With Urinary Retention Who Can't Grasp Objects A 12-year-old boy presents with bilateral arm pain. Yesterday, he began having trouble emptying his bladder. This morning, he was unable to grasp objects. Do you know what's wrong?
  • Rapid Rx Quiz: Anticonvulsants Understanding the indications, adverse effects, and other safety concerns regarding anticonvulsants is essential. Update your knowledge of this widely used group of drugs with this short quiz
  • Fast Five Quiz: Tardive Dyskinesia Risk Factors How much do you know about the risk factors for tardive dyskinesia? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.
  • Drooling and Dysphagia in a Man Who Can’t Speak A 78-year-old man has a sudden onset of an inability to speak or swallow. Three years earlier, he had a left frontal ischemic stroke. What's the diagnosis?
  • Rapid Rx Quiz: Aspirin Are you familiar with key indications for aspirin, as well as important contraindications, interactions, and adverse events? Test yourself on the most popular drug in the world with this short quiz.
  • Fast Five Quiz: Cannabis Clinical Concerns Given its increasing popularity, do you know key clinical concerns associated with cannabis use? Test your knowledge on what current evidence says with this short quiz.
  • Fast Five Quiz: Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer How much do you know about metastatic non-small cell lung cancer? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.
  • Rapid Rx Quiz: Beta-Blockers Do you know key information about this commonly used class of drug? Test yourself on important indications, contraindications, adverse events, and interactions of beta-blockers with this short quiz.