Medscape Reader Polls

  • What Do You Think About Preprints? Preprints, scientific papers that have not been peer reviewed for publication in a journal, became more prominent during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • What Are Common Misconceptions About Nurses? Nurses nationwide recently expressed outrage after Bravo talk show host Andy Cohen commented about the attractiveness of a nurse-actress on his show. Do you confront misconceptions about your role?
  • What Would You Do With an Extra 15 Minutes Per Patient? If, magically, you had more time to spend with each of your patients, what would you do?
  • Which Sports Do You Enjoy? US government guidelines recommend that adults spend at least 2.5 hours doing moderate-intensity exercise each week.
  • What Do You Think About Medical Marijuana? Although almost 70% of Americans support the legalization of marijuana for medical use, physicians and researchers are still debating its efficacy and which conditions it should be prescribed for.
  • How Do You Feel About Practicing Medicine? Since last year, the US has been in the throes of the so-called 'Great Resignation,' as many workers quit their jobs in search of something new.
  • Do You Think a Fourth COVID Shot Is Necessary? A second booster shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines has been authorized for those older than 50 years of age.
  • What Do You Think About the Pain Scale? A pain scale can often be a helpful tool in understanding the level of pain your patient is experiencing, but it can have its limits.
  • Should Medical Societies Sanction Russian Doctors? Some medical professional societies have cut ties with Russian physicians, prompting discussion on whether medical organizations should become involved in politics.
  • Are You Ready to Stop Wearing A Mask? The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently eased masking recommendations, only advising people wear masks if they are in a county with a high COVID-19 community level.
  • How Do You Address Substance Abuse With Your Patients? Can you recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse or addiction in a patient?
  • How Has the Pandemic Changed Medical Ethics in Your Practice? The COVID-19 pandemic has created new medical ethics questions.
  • How Might Racial Bias Impact Your Practice? Racial bias continues to be an issue in healthcare and may impact your patients in ways about which you are unaware.
  • Are Pandemic Staffing Issues Affecting Your Practice? Staffing shortages at healthcare systems and practices across the US are reported to be on the rise as the COVID-19 pandemic enters its third year.
  • Are You Seeing Fewer Patients Since the Pandemic? As the pandemic enters its third year, physician practices have had to make a series of adjustments and changes in safety protocols as the pandemic ebbed and flowed amid emerging variants.
  • What Is Your Experience Using Telehealth? The COVID-19 pandemic forced many healthcare providers to rely on telehealth technology to provide clinical services to patients unable or unwilling to visit in person.
  • Are You Feeling the Effects of Healthcare Burnout? Keeping healthcare workers safe and healthy is key to maintaining a highly functioning healthcare system that meets patient needs.
  • Dealing With Disinformation Medical misinformation and disinformation has been called "an urgent threat" to public health. The problem has become particularly acute during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Do You Discuss Mental Health With Your Patients? Studies show there is a link between physical and mental health.
  • How Confident Are You Vaccinating Your Own Children? Kids aged 5-11 can now get the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. How likely are you to vaccinate your young child, and will you be first in line or wait a while before getting them their shot.