Authors |
Age, sex, ethnicity |
Past medical history |
Signs and symptoms at presentation |
Previous COVID-19 infection |
Initial COVID-19 testing |
ICU stay |
Laboratory findings |
Imaging studies |
Treatments |
Outcome |
Kofman, 2020 [4] |
25, female |
None |
Fever, dyspnea, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, cough, and adenopathy |
No |
PCR (+) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Increased neutrophils, ESR, CRP, D-dimer, ferritin, Tn, and creatinine; lymphopenia |
Chest X-ray and CT: No detected abnormalities CT angiography: dilated main pulmonary artery CT abdomen/pelvis: acute uncomplicated pancreatitis Echo: dilated IVC then right ventricular dysfunction |
Aspirin, IVIG |
Recovery |
Fox, 2020 [9] |
31, female, African-American |
HTN, DM, and obesity (BMI 36.1 kg/m2) |
Fever, tachycardia, left-sided neck pain, nausea, vomiting, and parotitis by examination |
Yes, 12 days prior |
PCR (−) |
NR |
Elevated D-dimer, lactic acid, CRP, and creatinine |
CT neck: bilateral parotid enlargement and swelling of the posterior nasopharynx to the oropharynx CT chest: bilateral basal GGO plus anterior mediastinal lymphadenopathy |
NR |
Deceased |
Shaigany, 2020 [8] |
45, male, Hispanic |
No PMH BMI of 26.6 kg/m2 |
Fever, diarrhea, sore throat, painful lower extremities, diffuse exanthema, conjunctivitis, periorbital edema, left neck swelling with lymphadenopathy, plaques and papules diffuse, hypotension, tachycardia, and atrial fibrillation |
No |
PCR (+) |
No |
Increased neutrophils, low lymphopenia, ESR, CRP, D-dimer, ferritin, Tn, AST, ALT, PCT (3179 ng/mL), IL-6 (117 pg/mL) |
Chest X-ray: diffuse interstitial haziness CT neck with contrast: inflamed edematous lower eyelids and preseptal spaces, reactive lymphadenopathy ECG: anterolateral ST segment elevation PCI: normal coronary TTE: global hypokinesia of the left ventricle with reduced EF of 40 Slit-lamp examination: conjunctivitis and uveitis |
Full dose enoxaparin, IVIG (2 g/kg over 2 days), and single dose of IL-6 inhibitor (tocilizumab) |
Recovery |
Ahsan, 2020 [13] |
28, male |
Thalassemia minor. BMI of 28.48 kg/m2 |
High-grade fever (40.6 °C), anorexia, vomiting, nausea, lower limb pain, generalized weakness, red eye, difficult urination, and constipation. Bilateral facial nerve palsy, optic neuritis |
Yes, 2 weeks before Ab (+), PCR (−) |
Not done |
NR |
Anemia hypoalbuminemia leukocytosis with neutrophilia Elevated ESR, ferritin, and CRP |
ECG: normal Chest X-ray: normal MRI brain and orbit: normal |
Ceftriaxone 2 g daily and prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day orally for 6 weeks |
Recovery |
Bettach, 2021 [14] |
54, female |
None |
Fever, septic shock, GI symptoms, skin rash, heart failure, bilateral acute anterior uveitis |
No |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
NR |
Slit-lamp examination: bilateral corneal edema with Descemet's membrane and keratin precipitates Fundus examination: small localized intracranial bleed Fluorescein angiography: no vascular abnormalities |
Antibiotics, corticosteroids, and vasopressors. After 2 weeks, topical dexamethasone |
Recovery |
Razavi, 2020 [15] |
23, male, African-American |
BMI of 35.4 kg/m2 |
Fever, fatigue, myalgia, dyspnea, orthopnea, watery diarrhea, and temporal headache. Hypotension, bilateral scleral, and conjunctival injection |
Yes, 1 month prior |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
NR |
Leukocytosis, lymphocytopenia, high Tn I and BNP (NSTEMI) High CRP, D-dimer, ferritin, and fibrinogen |
Echo: global hypokinesia with reduced EF (40–45%) Chest X-ray: no focal consolidations CT chest with contrast: no abnormalities Cardiac MRI: pericardial effusion and borderline EF (54%) |
Antibiotics, IVIG, methylprednisolone, aspirin, enoxaparin |
Recovery |
Gulersen, 2021 [18] |
31, female |
Obesity, asthma, pregnant (28 weeks) |
Fever, left-sided pleuritic chest pain, shortness of breath. Late-onset hypotension and tachypnea |
Yes, 4 weeks prior. PCR (+) |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Leukocytosis. Elevated CRP, normal lactate, ferritin, PCT, late-onset increased in cardiac enzymes and inflammatory markers |
CT angiography of the chest: normal with no pulmonary embolism or lung pathology detected TTE: On admission, EF 65–70% with a hyperdynamic left side, rim pericardial effusion, and well-functioning right ventricle. On day 4: global dysfunction of the right and left ventricles with rim pericardial effusion Non-stress test: reactive fetus |
Intravenous heparin, IVIG, dexamethasone (10 mg every 6 hours), mechanical ventilation, inotrope and vasopressor |
Extubated on day 8, elective delivery, and discharged home on day 15 |
Malangu, 2020 [19] |
46, male |
History of pneumonia |
Fever (39.1 °C), atrial fibrillation, mild hypoxia (SatO2 91% on room air), bilateral exudative conjunctival injection, oral mucositis, bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy, and macular skin rash |
No |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
NR |
Leukocytosis and thrombocytopenia. Elevated D-dimer, CRP, ferritin, LDH fibrinogen. Mildly elevated ALT, AST, kidney injury with hematuria, and proteinuria |
CT angiography of the chest: bilateral apical patchy consolidations Chest X-ray: basal and middle lobe opacities TTE: left ventricular dysfunction with EF 31% and eccentric hypertrophy Cardiac MRI: perihilar lymph nodes with no infiltrative lesions Bronchoscopy: no malignant cells |
Antibiotics and apixaban |
Recovery |
Othenin-Girard, 2020 [20] |
22, male, East African |
None |
Five days of chills, myalgia, asthenia, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Three weeks of loss of taste and smell sensations, and 1 day of dry cough, odynophagia, and rash (over trunk, extremities, palms) |
Yes, 3 weeks prior. IgG (+) |
PCR (+) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Leukocytosis, elevated CRP (275 mg/L), fibrinogen (8.5 g/L), D-dimer (3322 ng/mL), and creatinine (1.5 mg/dL) Autoimmune workup: negative ANA, ANCA, and rheumatoid factor |
CT abdomen and chest: normal lung parenchyma with pulmonary embolism and inflamed mesenteric lymph nodes TTE: biventricular dysfunction/endomyocardial biopsy: myocarditis with necrotic foci Nerve conduction study: mononeuritis multiplex |
IVIG, tocilizumab, rituximab, corticosteroids, and cyclophosphamide. Mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) |
Recovery |
Moghadam, 2020 [16] |
21, male, Caucasian |
None |
Seven days of fever (40 °C), watery non-bloody diarrhea, chest tightness, vasoplegic shock, rash, tachypnea, bilateral conjunctivitis, and truncal and palmar rash |
No |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Leukocytosis, CRP (365 mg/L), PCT (3.4 ng/mL), ferritin (1.282 mg/L), high lactate, Tn (55n ng/L) |
Skin biopsy: inflammatory infiltrates TTE: hyperkinetic left ventricle with preserved EF CT scan chest and abdomen: compatible with congestive heart failure |
Fluid resuscitation, noradrenaline, antibiotics (amikacin and ceftriaxone) |
Recovery |
Lidder, 2020 [5] |
45, male |
None |
Five days of fever, red eyes, diarrhea, sore throat, eyelids edematous rash, nonexudative conjunctivitis, and abnormal perioral mucosa |
No |
PCR (+) |
NR |
Lymphopenia, elevated CRP, ESR, ferritin, D-dimer, and elevated Tn |
TTE: global hypokinesia with reduced EF (40%) CT neck: unilateral lymphadenopathy |
Eye-lubricating medications, topical prednisolone acetate 1%, IVIG, tocilizumab, and triamcinolone ointment for the rash |
Recovery |
Tung-Chen, 2021, Spain [6] |
25, male |
None |
One-day history of nausea and abdominal pain. One week of fever (38 °C), sore throat, fatigue, anosmia, and orthopnea. Shock at presentation |
No |
PCR (−) IgM (+) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Lymphopenia (0.43 × 109/L), elevated fibrinogen (> 1200 mg/dL), CRP (337.1 mg/L), TnT I, and BNP |
TTE: global hypokinesia with severely impaired left ventricular function (EF 29.7%) and rim pericardial effusion. EF improved after 8 days CT chest: no abnormalities Chest X-ray: no abnormalities ECG: sinus tachycardia with no other abnormalities |
Antibiotics, ganciclovir, norepinephrine, milrinone, and diuretics |
Recovery |
Uwaydah, 2021 [7] |
22, male |
None |
Four days of fever (39 °C), sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, headache, fatigue, erythematous rash involving the torso, tachycardia, hypotension, edema, and proteinuria |
Yes, 40 days prior PCR (+) |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Leukocytosis, elevated creatinine, AST (53 U/L), ALT (81 U/L), direct bilirubin, CRP (249 mg/L), ferritin (4357 ng/mL), D-dimer (14 mg/mL), PCT (9 ng/mL), IL-6 (90 pg/mL), low platelets (122) and albumin (16 g/L) |
TTE: severe tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary HTN (46 mmHg), left ventricle dysfunction (EF 45%), and rim pericardial effusion. Normal echo after recovery CT chest: bilateral moderate pleural effusion and basilar atelectasis |
Antibiotics, intravenous hydrocortisone |
Recovery |
Ahmad, 2021 [21] |
26, male, Caucasian |
None |
Fever, abdominal pain, loose stool, nausea, reduced urine output, hypotension tachypnea (38 breath/minute) and hand/feet rash |
PCR (+) |
PCR (+) Abs (+) |
Yes |
Leukocytosis. Elevated lactic acid (9.7 mg/dL), CRP (246 mg/L), PCT (105.12 ng/mL), D-dimer (2.03), LDH (236 U/L), creatinine (4.66 mg/dL), and urea (38 mg/dL) |
Lower limb doppler: left peroneal DVT Chest X-ray: peribronchial thickening Noncontrast CT abdomen: perinephric edema and mesenteric lymphadenopathy TTE: severely impaired left ventricular function (EF 15–20%) as well as right ventricular dysfunction. EF increased to 60% after 10 days |
Vasopressors, IVIG, methylprednisolone (250 mg/6 hours), aspirin, anakinra (IL-1 receptor antagonist), mechanical ventilation, and CRRT |
Recovery |
Li, 2021 [10] |
28, male |
None |
Five days of right-sided neck pain and swelling, enlarged tonsils, tenderness of the right submandibular fever, malaise, tachycardia, pruritic rash |
4 weeks prior, PCR (+) |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
NR |
Leukocytosis (13,800/mm3), anemia (10.7 g/dL). Elevated hs-Tn I (11,908 ng/L), BNP (1661 pg/mL), CRP (304.2 mg/L), and ferritin (1588 mg/L) |
CT neck: cervical lymphadenopathy, more on the right side TTE: mildly impaired left ventricular function (EF 45–55%) Cardiac MRI: rim pericardial effusion and slightly impaired right ventricular function |
Broad-spectrum antibiotics, fluid resuscitation, beta-blocker, ACE inhibitor |
Recovery |
Veyseh, 2021 [23] |
43, female |
None |
Fever, hypotension, tachycardia, erythematous rash, diarrhea, and cramping abdominal pain |
No |
PCR (−) |
Yes |
High WBCs, CRP, ferritin, D-dimer, fibrinogen, LDH, AST, and ALT |
TTE: reduced EF (toxic cardiomyopathy), EF improved after IVIG and steroids |
Antibiotics, vasopressors, IVIG, and intravenous solumedrol |
Recovery |
Diakite, 2021, [17] |
33, male |
Fever, diarrhea, chest pain, dyspnea, conjunctivitis, and cheilitis. Hypotension, tachycardia, and elevated hepatojugular reflux |
Possible 6 weeks prior |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
NR |
Leukocytosis (21,000/mm3), anemia (10.7 g/dL), high AST, ALT, creatinine, CRP, D-dimer, BNP, and Tn |
TTE: global hypokinesia, reduced EF (20%), and dilated IVC. Cardiac MRI revealed improved cardiac function after a week of treatment Coronary CT: aneurysms involving the right coronary, interventricular artery, and the left circumflex |
Dobutamine, norepinephrine, IVIG, aspirin, prednisolone |
Recovery |
Bastug, 2021, Turkey [24] |
40, male, Caucasian |
None |
Fever (39 °C), tachycardia, tachypnea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and skin rash |
23 days prior |
PCR (−) IgM (+) IgG (+) |
NR |
Lymphopenia, leukocytosis as well as high liver function tests, ferritin, D-dimer, troponin, BNP, CRP, fibrinogen, PCL, and IL-6 |
CT abdomen: inflamed intestine and mesentery, mesenteric lymphadenopathy, and effusion TTE: global hypokinesia, reduced left ventricle function (EF 45%), and mild pericardial effusion. EF increased to 60% and the effusion resolved after treatment |
Antibiotics, methylprednisolone, IVIG, full-dose enoxaparin |
Recovery |
Sokolovsky, 2021, [31] |
36, female, Hispanic |
None |
Fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, arthralgia, rash hypotension, and tachycardia |
No |
PCR (+) Abs(+) |
NR |
Elevated liver enzymes, direct bilirubin, albumin, CRP, ferritin, D-dimer, ESR, and hyponatremia (115 mmol/L) |
TTE: normal EF (65%) and moderate tricuspid regurgitation CTA coronaries: normal with rim pericardial effusion CT chest: trace pleural effusion |
Steroids, acetylcysteine, IVIG, aspirin |
Recovery |
Julius, 2021, [11] |
59, female, Caucasian |
HTN and dyslipidemia |
Fever, right cervical lymph node swelling, odynophagia, hypotension, and rash (neck and chest) |
20 days prior, PCR (+) |
PCR (+) |
Yes |
Slightly elevated AST, ALT; high Tn, CRP, and ferritin |
CT neck: enlarged right nodes with one exhibiting liquefaction EKG: ST elevation in V1 and V2 |
Antibiotics, steroids, norepinephrine, epinephrine, terlipressin mechanical ventilation |
Deceased |
Parpas, 2021 [32] |
67, male |
HTN, cirrhosis |
Dyspnea weakness, weight loss, anorexia, nausea, extremities edema, tachycardia, and cognitive impairment |
68 days prior |
PCR (−) Abs (+) |
NR |
Low sodium (109 mEq/L) and albumin (3 g/dL), leukocytosis (35,000/mm3). High D-dimer, LDH, and PCL |
Chest X-ray: bilateral basal infiltrative lesions CT chest: lung atelectasis/collapse TTE: Pulmonary HTN, and grade I diastolic dysfunction Duplex of lower limbs: no DVT Renal biopsy: moderate to severe acute tubular necrosis |
Antibiotics, unfractionated heparin, dexamethasone, and hemodialysis |
Recovery |
Pérez, 2021, [25] |
88, male |
HTN, dyslipidemia, essential tremors |
Hypoxia (saturation 87%), dyspnea, and peripheral edema |
54 days prior PCR (+) Abs (+) |
PCR (−) IgM (+) IgG (+) |
NR |
Creatinine (2.14 mg/dL), proteinuria (> 600 mg/dL), and low albumin 3 g/dL High LDL, CRP, and D-dimer |
Chest X-ray: typical COVID-19 picture and pleural effusion Renal biopsy: findings suggesting acute IgA-dominant infection-associated glomerulonephritis |
Intravenous furosemide, intravenous methylprednisolone |
Recovery |
Balan, 2021, [33] |
46, male |
Obesity (BMI 42 kg/m2) |
Hypotension, hypoxia tachypnea, right hemiparesis, ataxia, and left hemianesthesia |
60 days prior |
PCR (−) Abs (+) |
Yes |
Elevated ferritin, CRP, LDH, PCT, high creatinine (4.1 mg/dL) and Tn |
TTE: normal EF and elevated right ventricular pressures CT chest: bilateral apical and basal as well as right middle ground-glass opacities |
Norepinephrine, antibiotics unfractionated heparin, dexamethasone, tocilizumab, hemodialysis |
Deceased |
Mieczkowska, 2021, [22] |
32, male |
None |
Fever, tachycardia, right-sided swollen groin lymph nodes, diarrhea, and palms and soles rash |
Two months prior |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
No |
Elevated AST, ALT, and direct bilirubin. Elevated inflammatory markers (CRP, ferritin, PCL, IL-6, ESR, and D-dimer) |
TTE: EF 55% and pericardial effusion CT: lymphadenopathy of the right groin |
Enoxaparin and intravenous methylprednisolone |
Recovery |
Mieczkowska, 2021, [22] |
43, female |
None |
Fever, myalgia, headache, cough, and skin rash. Hypotension, cardiomyopathy, and acute kidney injury |
No |
PCR (−) Serology (+) |
NR |
Leukocytosis (21,500/mm3). Elevated ESR, CRP, ferritin, and D-dimer. Elevated AST, ALT, and ALP |
Chest X-ray: right basal pneumonia Abdominal ultrasound: pericholecystic fluid, hepatomegaly, and steatosis TTE: EF 40% |
Vasopressors, antibiotics, intravenous heparin, methylprednisolone |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
40, male |
DM (BMI 26 kg/m2) |
Apyretic, dyspnea, severe asthenia |
No |
PCR (+) IgG (−) |
Yes |
Elevated PCT, CRP, ferritin Elevated AST, ALT, and ALP Elevated LDH, CPK Peak troponin 439 ng/L Peak BNP 6025 pg/mL |
Chest CT: severe multifocal PNA TTE: EF 45% |
Mechanical ventilation, dobutamine, norepinephrine, ECMO |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
19, female |
None (BMI 24 kg/m2) |
Fever, dyspnea, cough |
No |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevated CRP, ferritin, LDH Peak troponin 10,652 ng/L Peak BNP 2585 pg/mL |
Chest CT: mild infiltrates TTE: EF 30% |
Mechanical ventilation, dobutamine, norepinephrine, ECMO |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
22, male |
DM, asthma (BMI 38 kg/m2) |
Fever, dyspnea, cough, severe asthenia |
No |
PCR (−) IgG (−) |
Yes |
Elevated CRP, ferritin, LDH Peak troponin 166 ng/L |
Chest CT: severe infiltrates TTE: EF 30% |
Mechanical ventilation, ECMO |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
19, male |
None (BMI 22 kg/m2) |
Fever, headache, diarrhea, dyspnea, severe asthenia |
No |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevated CRP, ferritin, LDH Peak troponin 806 ng/L Peak BNP 26,956 pg/mL |
Chest CT: negative TTE: EF 15% |
Dobutamine, norepinephrine |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
16, male |
None (BMI 18 kg/m2) |
Fever, anosmia, abdominal pain, rash to hands and feet, conjunctivitis, strawberry tongue, adenopathy, severe asthenia, chest pain |
No |
PCR (+) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevated CRP, ferritin, LDH Peak Troponin 2545n ng/L |
Chest CT: mild infiltrates TTE: EF 20% |
Mechanical ventilation, dobutamine, norepinephrine, IVIG |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
16, female |
None (BMI 24 kg/m2) |
Fever, headache, abdominal pain, rash to hands and feet, dyspnea, severe asthenia |
Yes, anosmia and cough 1 month prior |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevate CRP, ferritin, and LDH Peak troponin 64 ng/L Peak BNP 1689 pg/mL |
Chest CT: negative TTE: EF 45% |
None |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
17, male |
Moderate aortic regurgitation (BMI 32 kg/m2) |
Fever, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspnea, severe asthenia, conjunctivitis |
No |
PCR (+) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevated ferritin and LDH Peak troponin 138 ng/L Peak BNP 35,000 pg/mL |
Chest CT: mild pulmonary edema TTE: EF 20% |
Mechanical ventilation, dobutamine, norepinephrine, IVIG, corticosteroids 2 mg/kg/day |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
25, female |
None (BMI 23 kg/m2) |
Fever, headache, abdominal pain, dyspnea, severe asthenia, myalgias, arthralgias, adenopathy |
No |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevated CRP, ferritin, LDH Peak troponin 2542 ng/L Peak BNP 24,540 pg/mL |
Chest CT: negative TTE: EF 50% |
Nasal cannula |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
17, female |
None (BMI 18 kg/m2) |
Chest pain, dyspnea |
No |
PCR (+) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevated CRP, ferritin, LDH Peak troponin 4905 ng/L Peak BNP 3362 pg/mL |
Chest CT: pulmonary edema TTE: 20% |
Mechanical ventilation, dobutamine, norepinephrine, ECMO, IVIG, corticosteroids 2 mg/kg/day |
Deceased |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
37, male |
HTN (BMI 35 kg/m2) |
Fever, headache, diarrhea, severe asthenia |
No |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevated ferritin, LDH Peak troponin 1164 ng/L Peak BNP 35,000 pg/mL |
Chest CT: Negative TTE: EF 45% |
IVIG, corticosteroids 2 mg/kg/day |
Recovery |
Hékimian, 2021 [12] |
29, female |
None (BMI 22 kg/m2) |
Fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash, conjunctivitis, severe asthenia |
Yes, 1 month earlier |
PCR (−) IgG (+) |
Yes |
Elevated CRP, ferritin, LDH Peak troponin 200 ng/L Peak BNP 21,298 pg/mL |
Chest CT: negative TEE: EF 50% |
Recovery |