Have These Patients Been Immunized Appropriately?

A Case-Based Challenge

Robert H. Hopkins, Jr., MD


August 06, 2014

Case #1: What Vaccines Does This Healthy Adult Need?

Dr. Jones is a 40-year-old physician who has recently accepted a position to work in your medical group. He has a strong family history of diabetes and coronary disease but reports that he has been very healthy and is an avid triathlete. He was referred to you in early fall 2014 for a pre-employment medical assessment and screening in accord with your staff policies.

He has brought a copy of prior medical and immunization records. In addition to having had varicella at age 14 years, he completed a routine childhood immunization schedule that included a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination in childhood. He has received the following adult vaccinations:

  • MMR: June 2000

  • Adult tetanus and diphtheria (Td) June 2000

  • Hepatitis B series (3 doses): June 2000, July 2000, and January 2001

  • Annual influenza vaccine: October 2013


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