From Medscape Neurology

Coverage from the

SLEEP 2021: 35th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies

June 10 - 13, 2021; Virtual

June 10 - 13, 2021 Virtual

Conference News

Popular News from SLEEP 2020

  • Sunset Daylight Saving Time, Sleep Experts Say Sunset Daylight Saving Time, Sleep Experts Say In the interest of public health and safety, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine called for the elimination of daylight saving time in favor of permanent year-round standard time.
  • Sleep Loss Unleashes Anger Sleep Loss Unleashes Anger In a series of studies, researchers found that sleep loss consistently increased anger in response to environmental frustration, competitive interactions, and everyday moments.
  • Common Apnea Treatment Tied to Lower Dementia Risk Common Apnea Treatment Tied to Lower Dementia Risk Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with positive airway pressure was associated with a lower odds of incident Alzheimer's disease and other dementia in a large retrospective cohort study.

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