From Medscape Gastroenterology

Coverage from

Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2020

May 02 - 05, 2020; Chicago, Illinois

May 02 - 05, 2020 Chicago, Illinois

Digestive Disease Week 2020 has been canceled

Conference News

Popular News From DDW 2019

  • Improper Proton Pump Inhibitor Prescriptions Criticized Improper Proton Pump Inhibitor Prescriptions Criticized Popularity of the stomach- and intestine-protecting drugs has skyrocketed, but related adverse events, like osteoporotic fractures, C difficile infection, and pneumonia, are problematic.
  • Rectal Exam Needed to Determine Cause of Constipation Rectal Exam Needed to Determine Cause of Constipation Rectal Exam Needed to Determine Cause of Constipation Digital rectal examinations can save time and money in diagnosing and treating constipation, but they are too often avoided.
  • Timing of Colorectal Cancer Screening Disputed Timing of Colorectal Cancer Screening Disputed The incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing around the world, and specialists are deliberating whether it's time to lower the age of screening or monitor those at highest risk.

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