American Family Physician

(ISSN: 0002-838X, 1532-0650)

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Articles Available on Medscape

  • Amenorrhea: A Systematic Approach to Diagnosis and Management
    This comprehensive primer reviews the primary and secondary causes of amenorrhea, and offers practical guidance on evaluation, differential diagnosis, and management.
  • Plantar Fasciitis
    Plantar fasciitis is a common condition, impacting 10% of people in their lifetime. Review its diagnosis and learn which of the many available treatment options are most effective in this primer.
  • Cancer Screening: ACS Releases Annual Summary of Recommendations
    Review the 2018 American Cancer Society's summary of recommendations for cancer screening. What's changed from prior years, and where do they diverge from the AAFP's recommendations?
  • Lice and Scabies: Treatment Update
    Get up-to-date on the latest developments in the treatment of lice and scabies.
  • Heat-Related Illnesses
    Review the risk factors for and physiological mechanisms behind heat-related illnesses in this primer. How should suspected heat-related illness be evaluated and managed?

Table of Contents

From American Family Physician

2021 - 103 (4)


Journal Information

Mission Statement: American Family Physician (AFP) is the AAFP's editorially independent, peer-reviewed and evidence-based clinical review journal.