• Salary Explorer
    Salary Explorer Medscape's annual Physician Compensation Survey is the gold standard for physician salary information across the United States. We've brought the report to you in a dynamic, interactive format to easily compare salaries by specialty, practice setting, and location to create a report that is personalized to you.


Survey Methodology

  • Sample size: 17,461 physicians across 30+ specialties met the screening criteria
  • Recruitment period: October 4, 2019, through February 10, 2020
  • Data collection: Via online survey collection site
  • Sampling error: The margin of error for the survey was +/-0.74% at a 95% confidence level


The Medscape Physician Compensation Report is the physician-preferred salary report. It is the most comprehensive and widely used physician salary survey in the United States for the tenth year in a row. US physicians rely on this report to access not only salary and incentive bonus information, but also important factors affecting income, such as hours worked, claims denied, and what they find most rewarding—and most challenging—about their jobs, and more.

Prior-Year Compensation Reports

Other Medscape Reports